Yardi România

Web: https://careers.yardiromania.ro/ro/careers-at-yardi/ 

Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 77, Clădirea The Office, Cluj-Napoca
Yardi Call Center – Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989, Nr. 95-97

Contact: jobscluj@yardi.com

Profilul companiei:

La Yardi România, construim produse care fac viața mai ușoară pentru milioane de oameni, ajutându-i să găsească casa la care au visat, să vândă sau să administreze proprietăți, să gestioneze relația cu chiriașii și să facă investiții inteligente.

Facem parte din Yardi Systems, Inc, o companie multinațională americană fondată în 1984, furnizor global de soluții software dedicate pieței imobiliare, care numără peste 6000 de angajați în birourile din America de Nord, Europa, Orientul Mijlociu, Asia, Australia și Noua Zeelandă. Centrul nostrul de dezvoltare din Cluj-Napoca este al treilea cel mai mare birou Yardi din lume, cu peste 1100 de angajați care lucrează în diverse arii, de la dezvoltare de soft la analiză de date, marketing și consultanță. 

Dezvoltăm produse proprii și ne mândrim cu o bază de utilizatori de câteva milioane de oameni. Centrele noastre de date stochează peste 100 TB de date, iar articolele despre piața imobiliară, scrise de echipele de marketing, sunt citate de publicații precum The New York Times sau The Wall Street Journal.

Succesul nostru aparține angajațiilor, care fac din Yardi România un loc minunat în care să lucrezi și să crești. 

Domeniul de activitate: Furnizare de servicii software dedicate pieței imobiliare

Program în cadrul evenimentului:

The Office – Blvd. 21 Decembrie 1989, nr. 77, et. 3

15:00 – 16:00 – Documenting the market – A career in business writing
Get a closer look at our editorial opportunities and learn more about our business writing roadmap. You’ll get an exclusive insight on how we cover daily real estate news, create interviews and write institutional research reports. Through an interactive session, we’ll show you how we take our content to the next level with graphics, podcasts, videos and newsletters.

Register here!

16:00 – 19:00 – Treasure Hunt
Within our Yardi Matrix department, we know how to mix work with fun and we want to give you the opportunity to peek at how this works. We invite you to get involved in a treasure hunt that will make your day! Get the chance to have fun while discovering how the job of a researcher actually is, how to search a property and complete its profile, call as a renter to obtain information, quickly edit a photo of a property, or even show off your ping-pong skills in a match with one of our colleagues. Of course, all of these come with points and rewards – at the end of the day, every treasure hunt is a friendly competition. This will be the perfect chance to get a handle of what we do at Yardi Matrix and meet the team. You will also have the chance to apply with your CV for one of our open roles.

Register here!

19:00 – 20:00 – How to become the Sherlok Holmes of the US Real Estate industry?
Choose any US place on the map and we’ll show you how to scout for diverse property information.

Register here!

Yardi Call Center – Blvd. 21 Decembrie 1989, No. 95-97 – (above LIDL supermarket)

20:00 – 21:00 – Know-How to work
Join us for a few short presentations on topics like how to tackle a new job, how to handle criticism at work or how to find your motivation. While you’re here, you’ll also have the possibility to find out anything you want to know about us and our openings. *

Register here!

22:00 – 0:00 – Know-How to play
Join us for a game of “WIN an answer!” with one of our colleagues. You get to choose your weapon (ping-pong, Xbox, Rummy, Jenga, darts, XO, you name it). For every point you win in the game you get to ask us a question about our company, department, available jobs, communication techniques, customer service skills, really anything you want to know from experts in the field. If you like what you hear and see, you can join us for the ultimate game Truth or Dare where we may dare you to become part of our team. *

Register here!

*The presentation and the games may be followed by a tour of the office where you can find information about the company/department/job and shadow one of our Senior agents. We’ll also give you the possibility to stay for a short language screening if you are interested in applying.

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