Web: https://www.msg-systems.ro/en/

Adresa: Str. Insulei, nr. 1, 540528 Tg. Mureş

Contact: msg.cariere@msg.group

Company profile:

Have you heard about .msg Romania? I hope you did because we are well-known for our dedication to people development and software. Let me walk you through our history if it is the first time you have interacted with us. Everything started in 1980 on a rainy day…joking. Let’s skip a little. As part of the .msg group, we have deeply grounded roots in Germany and its culture – roots that, in 2008, reached Cluj-Napoca. From a little office with less than 10 employees, our team grew to 700 and still counting. msg creates added value in a digitalized world by putting people first, whether customers, users or employees. Its top priority is to find the best solution for people. Technical capabilities, industry expertise, or business models are means to this end. As I have already mentioned, we are over 700 people in the Romanian msg community. Some of my colleagues work on the web, Java/Spring-based projects, some with ABAP, UI5, and BTP, and some in mobile development, with .NET, Xamarin, and C#. We also have QAs, Cyber Security geniuses, and a non-techy group composed of recruiters, marketing specialists, Scrum Masters, Business Analysts, or Consultants. Just name it, and we probably have it.

Our work is innovative, challenging, and, in every aspect, collaborative. You must know that .msg Romania is a people-oriented company. We support our colleagues outside of the work environment. We party. We learn. We do sports together. We volunteer. We adapt. We believe that the real game changer in our industry is the human approach… There is a lot to say about us – probably hundreds of we-something phrases – but we want to give you the opportunity to discover what msg is all about in one night (ok, maybe 2 ).

Message for participants:

Msg systems Romania invites you to spend the Companies’ Night at the company’s headquarters on Insulei street no. 1, et. 1.

Because professionalism, competence and organization are key words in a German company, this year we decided to lower our foreheads a little and play more. Let’s laugh more and get to know each other better.

On November 16 at our headquarters, you can join us in an interstellar game and knowledge concept.

What exactly are we going to do? We will introduce you to our world through an interactive presentation and provide you with 5 game stations, which will not only contribute to the good mood but also bring you prizes. Fun and socializing will be the words of the evening!

We are waiting for you with questions and a desire to play!

Time schedule:

16:30 – 17:30 – Meet and greet

17:30 – 18:00 – Inside .msg Romania

18:00 – 20:00 – Games, food, socializing

Register here!

Domeniul de activitate: IT