Web: https://www.luminess.eu/en/

Adresa: Strada Plutelor nr. 2, Târgu Mureș 

Contact: candidat@luminess.eu

Profilul companiei:

People at the heart of technology

A major player in the French digital ecosystem, our teams combine expertise and business knowledge wide to one technological know-how robust. Luminess relies on this alliance: technologies and business skills to offer you solutions adapted to the evolution of your needs and those of your customers and thus allow you to sublimate your customer promise.

We are a French Mid-Size company with:

  • 1800 employees
  • Presence in Europe, United States, India and Madagascar
  • +300M documents processed per year
  • Automation of complex processes
  • Data processing: AI & human supervision

Our expertise

  1. Strategy & digital transformation
  2. Transactional platforms & digital processes
  3. Application Development & Maintenance
  4. BPO automation
  5. Publication
Luminess, a company involved

We are convinced that the company plays a multiple role in society. The CSR policy, is integrated into the entire life of the company: its positioning, cost control, process simplification, customer and employee satisfaction.

But we also have the certainty that we must go far beyond and consider our role as an actor in the society in which we operate in order to fully participate in it.

Social responsibility

Our human capital, made up of expert and passionate teams, is our best asset in shaping the future of our Group. This is why we place the employee experience at the same level as the customer experience.

  1. Promoting the professional integration of young people
  2. Promote digital accessibility
  3. Promote professional equality
  4. Promote gender equality
A social responsibility

Conscious of the impact of our businesses on the environment, for several years we have integrated respect for the environment into our development strategy and we place our action in a perspective that promotes sustainable development.

  1. Control our energy consumption
  2. Reduce the volume of our household waste
  3. Promote eco-mobility
  4. Register our commitments over time
Luminess in Romania has 2 sites: in Cluj-Napoca & Targu-Mures

Whether IT or dematerialization projects, Luminess Romania is able to provide the ad-hoc solution.

Their linguistic skills (10 European languages), their IT know-how (web, mobile, industrialization, DevOps…) and their production capacities allow the Romanian teams to meet the needs of our customers.

Event schedule:

16:00 – 17:00 – Networking

17:00 – 17:30 – Company tour

17:30 – 18:00 – General presentation of the company

18:00 – 18:30 – Presentation of the local activity and the team

18:30 – 19:30 – Coffee, snacks and Q&A

Register here!

Domeniul de activitate:

Advanced Digital Business Process