Web: https://www.cargolog.ro

Address: Str. Deva 19, Cluj-Napoca

Contact: info@cargolog.ro

Company profile:

Cargolog is one of the most important logistics companies in Transylvania, which has experienced huge growth in recent years. The company, which started as a freight forwarder, now has its own fleet of trucks, which is constantly growing.
We offer specialised solutions in the field of bulk cargo transport, whether it is grain, feed, liquids or chemicals. We are present in the national and international markets, both by road and rail. We transport from Romania to Central and Western European countries and back.
Cargolog’s strength lies in its team, working together as a cohesive community to help and support each other.
Come and visit us to see for yourself!

Field of activity: Logistics

Message to participants:

Cum ajung mărfurile pe rafturi?
Ce factori influențează transportul și cum ne afectează acesta viața de zi cu zi?
De multe ori nu ne dăm seama că aproape toate produsele ajung la consumatorul final datorită uneia sau mai multor echipe de logistică.

Dacă sunteți interesat de logistică și vă întrebați ce înseamnă transportul de mărfuri, vizitați-ne?
Nu contează dacă aveți sau nu experiență în acest sector, vă invităm să vă arătăm lumea noastră!

Programme at the event:

We look forward to giving you a company tour, telling you about our divisions and our jobs. After the presentation you are welcome to play board games together and enjoy prepared snacks.
To attendance for the event, please register here!